The week before I'd taken a chalk paint class at Loot in Soquel--a birthday present for my mom. I picked up Antibes Green. There is something fresh and bright about this color, and it fits Alyssa's personality perfectly. My first coat was 100% Antibes green, but I toned it down with 1/4 Pure White on the second coat..
The desktop did give me a bit of grief, but nothing that couldn't be easily remedied. It was a very shiny, smooth laminate and the paint wouldn't stick to it. So after I roughed it up with 100 grit sandpaper the paint stayed put. And that was all the sanding I had to do!
I added a clear wax, some custom European butterfly knobs, and a little Emille and Pure White on the handles--Alyssa's request.
I'm very happy with it. (Excuse the cords! Alyssa wanted to use it before the handles were finished.)
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